Recent Projects & News

Makematic Partners with Rebel Girls for New Video Series
Makematic is delighted to unveil our latest collaboration with the fabulous folks at Rebel Girls.

Crayola's Creativity Week Wins Shorty Award
Makematic-produced Crayola's Creativity Week 2023 Won a Shorty Award!

New Series Release: Refugees
A new educational video series exploring stories of refugees from around the world

New Series Release: Economics for Kids
Ten new animated videos on economics and money for kids

Makematic-Produced Series Scoops Five Shorty Awards
Makematic's Untold History series has won five awards at the 8th annual Shorty Impact Awards

New Series Release: Authors That Changed America
A dozen new videos for High School English Language students on prominent American authors

New Series Release: Heroes and Villains - The Quest for Civic Virtue
Makematic have partnered with the Bill of Rights Institute to develop a new series on civic virtues as part of Untold

Launching Two New ELA Video Series for Schools
Makematic have launched two new English Language Arts (ELA) video series for middle and high school students

DK Announces Video Partnership with Makematic
The global publisher DK and Makematic, have announced that they will be working together to create 500 original videos based on DK’s uniquely informative and engaging book titles.

Makematic Partner with iCivics, Center for Civic Education on Landmark Constitution Series
We've partnered with iCivics and the Center for Civic Education on a new 35-part series on the US Constitution

Makematic Partner with Newsela for Back to School Video Refresh
Makematic have provided over 400 videos to Newsela for their back-to-school refresh

Makematic Launch New Literature Series
25 original animations exploring some of the most-loved titles in English literature

Makematic Launch New Science Collection
We've launched a new collection of 54 foundational science explainers for High School students

Makematic-Produced Series Wins a Telly Award

Back to the Future Part 2022

What are we up to? January – March 2022 Events

5 Reasons Why Digital Citizenship Matters in the Age of the Metaverse

What is Global Goal 17 and why is it so important?