Skillsumo - Using The Future Proof Animations And Videos In The Classroom
Skillsumo is a growing collection of bite-sized careers and skills videos and animations.
The Future Proof videos and animations include:
- Videos and animations on the future of work and the trends and forces that shape it.
- Animated activities to help prepare young people for getting a job and how to prepare for interviews.
- Live-action case studies and professional development videos to help young people and educators understand how the recruitment process has and is changing, and skills young people will need in their future careers.
Three-Step Methodology
If using the videos in the classroom, we recommend using the following three-part structure:
- Engage students before they watch
- Explore big ideas while they watch
- Empower students to take the themes and ideas further after they watch each film.
Future Proof - Three Activities To Use In The Classroom
K-W-L Chart
Ask students to create a KWL Chart. A KWL chart has two columns that students fill in before they watch the video or animation. The final column is filled in after watching.
Column 1: What they Know about the topic or theme.
Column 2: Want to know.
Column 3: What they’ve Learned.
This activity will help students activate prior knowledge and reflect on what they’ve learned or discovered whilst watching the video or animation.
Pause and Interact
Pause the video at different stages and ask purposeful open and closed questions. It is important to mix the questions up. That means asking factual, “What if?” and probing questions, as well as questions that allow students to either make predictions or offer their opinions.
Solve a Problem
Get students to use the information from the video or animation to answer an essential question or solve a problem that relates to the theme of the video or animation.
For example: After watching the animation How to Identify Your Best Assets educators could ask students to answer the question, "What makes you stand out from the crowd?"
Check out the Future Proof resources from Skillsumo here.