
EdTech News - August

August is for many students, educators and parents 'Back to school' month, but for many this year that isn't the case because of Covid-19. I found some interesting articles on both sides of the debate on whether schools should re-open or not.

One teacher from Cambridge, Massachusetts in the US makes the case against re-opening schools. The author believes that a physical classroom operating under the new social distance guidelines will be "less effective and less traumatic than the inadequate and painful remote learning experience".

Of course, the rules, regulations and circumstances for countries let alone individuals vary a lot. The Economist argues that the benefits of actually reopening schools far outweigh the costs and that countries who didn't reopen their schools a few months ago should look at those that did.

Finally, a report from Credit Suisse on how the adoption and usage of EdTech has swelled during the Covid-19 crisis, fast-tracking the digitalisation of education by 5-10 years.

This crisis has changed so many things and the way adults and children learn is just one of them.

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