An eight-part animated series exploring the story of the Holocaust, events, themes and people.

The Holocaust Files
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
World War II

We worked in collaboration with the North Carolina Council on the Holocaust and North Carolina Department of Public Instruction to develop and produce this powerful eight-part animated series on the Holocaust.

After a period of rigorous research, we developed eight standalone scripts on topics including Nazi Propaganda and the incredible tale of the White Rose, and began our creative development process. Designed to be reflective of the seriousness of the subject matter, the resulting animation style makes special use of colour and detail to underline recurring themes - and to hold the attention of the intended audience.

Across The Holocaust Files we draw on the experiences of young people during the Holocaust, highlight acts of resistance, and incorporate the personal stories of survivors. This is a visually stunning series that educates students on difficult topics, but also strikes a hopeful note.

The series is being distributed by the NCDPI to schools across the state for use in the classroom.

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