Sixteen videos on digital literacy for both High School students and teachers

Stanford Digital Inquiry Group
Stanford Digital Inquiry Group
Digital literacy
Mixed Media
Secondary , Teachers

The Digital Inquiry Group (DIG for short) is an independent nonprofit organization established by the team behind the Stanford History Education Group (SHEG)

Makematic were approached to produce 16 videos in total for a series on Digital Literacy; of these videos, 10 were aimed at high school students aged 14 to 18 years old, and 6 videos were aimed at teachers.

The student-facing videos were created using stock images, footage, and creative animation.

Whereas the teacher-facing videos used interview footage filmed with contributors from DIG, authentic classroom b-roll, graphics, and animation where applicable.

Each film was designed according to the target audience, meaning each film is hyper-focused in terms of tone, content, and visual treatment whilst ensuring a unified style is applied across the whole series.

These films are now being shown to high-school students online and in classrooms across the USA part of their civics education.

Our client at DIG was very happy with the process of working with Makematic and the end results, they said:

“Thanks so much for all of the work that you and your colleagues put into this project. I've really enjoyed working with you! Hopefully, we'll have another chance to work together in the future.”

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